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Get ready to reach beyond your traditional bedroom and go for the stars with the Nebula Wooden Gaming High Sleeper Bed! This bed is the perfect option for the modern child or teenager as it has been designed with their needs in mind while ensuring that they are still safe. The finish means that it is a gender-neutral option that will suit a wide range of decor, giving you great versatility.

Additional Services

We will build your bed on delivery

Mattress ONLY

Bed, Mattress and Headboard Removal

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Get ready to reach beyond your traditional bedroom and go for the stars with the Nebula Wooden Gaming High Sleeper Bed! This bed is the perfect option for the modern child or teenager as it has been designed with their needs in mind while ensuring that they are still safe. The finish means that it is a gender-neutral option that will suit a wide range of decor, giving you great versatility.

Additional information






Wooden Bed


Anthracite, Grey Oak, White