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Shaker Guest Bed


The Shaker wooden bed frame from Friendship Mill is constructed using hard wearing Scandinavian pine. Clean, straight lines make this bed stand out. Three choice of finishes. The under bed trundle for when you have overnight guests staying. The trundle fits under the bed when it is not in use and forms a single bed and then it pulls out and can be used on the floor or on legs to make it the same height.


Additional Services

We will build your bed on delivery

Mattress ONLY

Bed, Mattress and Headboard Removal

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The Shaker wooden bed frame from Friendship Mill is constructed using hard wearing Scandinavian pine. Clean, straight lines make this bed stand out. Three choice of finishes. The under bed trundle for when you have overnight guests staying. The trundle fits under the bed when it is not in use and forms a single bed and then it pulls out and can be used on the floor or on legs to make it the same height.

Additional information




Bed Frame


Wooden Bed


Grey, Pine, White