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Solar Bunk


The minimalist, compact design of the Solar White Wooden Bunk Bed is perfect for smaller homes, its compact structure maximising floor space. The versalite white colouring can be used in both boys’ and girls’ rooms with small interior changes, making the Solar White Bunk Bed a functional choice for any child’s bedroom. For little ones that like to make blanket forts, the pod-like structure of the Solar Bunk Bed is an impeccable pick, it’s open structure ideal for hanging blankets to create a cosy nest.

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We will build your bed on delivery

Mattress ONLY

Bed, Mattress and Headboard Removal

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The minimalist, compact design of the Solar White Wooden Bunk Bed is perfect for smaller homes, its compact structure maximising floor space. The versalite white colouring can be used in both boys’ and girls’ rooms with small interior changes, making the Solar White Bunk Bed a functional choice for any child’s bedroom. For little ones that like to make blanket forts, the pod-like structure of the Solar Bunk Bed is an impeccable pick, it’s open structure ideal for hanging blankets to create a cosy nest.

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Bunk Bed


Wooden Bed


Grey, White