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Trio Bunk


For siblings who share a room, or little ones that just like to have sleepovers! The Trio Bunk Bed effectively makes use of vertical bedroom space, making room to accommodate 3 sleepers comfortably. Conforming to the British Bunk Bed Safety Regulations, the Trio is suitable for children aged 6 and over.

Additional Services

We will build your bed on delivery

Mattress ONLY

Bed, Mattress and Headboard Removal

Order total:

For siblings who share a room, or little ones that just like to have sleepovers! The Trio Bunk Bed effectively makes use of vertical bedroom space, making room to accommodate 3 sleepers comfortably. Conforming to the British Bunk Bed Safety Regulations, the Trio is suitable for children aged 6 and over.

Additional information




Bunk Bed


Wooden Bed


Anthracite, Grey, Surf White